Dec 7, 2009

Anh sẽ viết cho em bài thơ cuối cùng
Dù ngày mai có sống trong chờ mong
Anh sẽ hát cho em bài ca chia ly
Dù đêm nay còn sống bên nhau

Rồi một ngày ta xa cách nhau
Hãy yêu nhau như trong tình đầu
Vì một ngày ta thương mến nhau
Khắp tinh cầu xua đi bao lạnh giá

Rồi một ngày ta không có nhau
Chiếc hôn xưa trên môi ngày nào
Còn đọng lại những chiếc lá non
Tình yêu sẽ hóa môi son

Anh sẽ viết cho em bài thơ bắt đầu
Dù tình yêu đó sóng xô về đâu
Anh sẽ hát cho em bài ca đêm nay
Một đêm thức dài đến mai sau

Rồi một ngày ta xa cách nhau
Chiếc hôn qua trên môi ngọt ngào
Vì cuộc tình như chiếc lá non
Trái đất tròn quay trong tim nỗi nhớ

Rồi một ngày ta thương mến nhau
Khắp nhân gian bỗng nhiên hiền hậu
Vì cuộc tình như chiếc lá nâu
Tình yêu sẽ xóa thương đau

Tình Yêu Mãi Mãi

Tình yêu là diệu vợi và đôi khi là mãi mãi. Nhưng nếu không là mãi mãi thì nó sẽ trở thành niềm đau. Đôi khi niềm đau đi cùng với những giọt nước mắt. Và giọt nước mắt chỉ biết rơi sau những nỗi buồn. Trong khi những nỗi buồn phải bội lại niềm hạnh phúc. Nghĩa là hạnh phúc mất đi khi tình yêu không là mãi mãi. Và thế là tình yêu đứng ở đầu cũng là điểm cuối của một hành trình. Mình và ấy cũng đi trên hành trình ấy – những nỗi niềm song song..

Mình biết ấy giữ trong lòng nhiều hơn bất cứ ai về ước mơ hạnh phúc. Khát khao ấy cũng cháy bỏng trong con người mình. Tụi mình cùng hiểu hạnh phúc ấy nào dễ dàng tìm kiếm và giành giật cho bản thân. Nhất là ấy đã qua bao mối tình cay đắng và mình thì cũng bao lần chia tay. Giữa tụi mình có nhiều điểm chung, và điểm chung nhiều nhất không hẳn là nỗi buồn tình cảm. Đó lại là cùng mong ước mãi mãi một tình yêu.

Giữa chúng ta - mình và ấy với thế giới có một không gian khác biệt. Đó không phải là hạnh phúc xa mà trái tim ở gần hay tình yêu mãi mãi là một phạm trù không bao giờ có. Đó lại là yêu mà phải ngậm ngùi như thể chia xa, là niềm hân hoan hạnh phúc lại phải giấu giếm. Vậy thì ai định nghĩa được sự bất diệt của tình yêu?

“Rồi một ngày ta xa cách nhau…” hãy giữ cho nhau những lời thầm kín nhất. Đôi khi mình đã nói ra rất vội. Đôi khi mình đã muốn cười thật lớn để giấu giếm vụng dại. Đôi khi mình đã khóc. Đôi khi ấy chỉ nói chuyện bâng quơ. Nhưng mình hiểu, nếu xa nhau ấy vẫn nhớ về mình. Với những đêm kỷ niệm chung một con đường. Với những lời chân thành trìu mến. Đó là gì? Nhưng đó chưa hẳn là yêu phải không?

“Rồi một ngày ta xa cách nhau…” và ấy tìm được hạnh phúc đích thực, một giấc mơ tồn tại trong hiện thực. Mình sẽ đứng đây cười mãn nguyện và chúc những lời hạnh phúc nhất với ấy. Và vì mình không thể biết ấy hạnh phúc nhường nào với người đấy, với nụ hôn đấy.. nhưng mình hiểu cuộc sống đã bắt đầu đền đáp cho ấy. Còn mình, sẽ cố gắng và sẽ có gì mình muốn. Đừng nghĩ rằng mình đang tán tỉnh ấy, mình chỉ đang nói sự thật với ấy mà thôi.

Rồi một ngày ta xa cách nhau
Hãy yêu nhau như trong tình đầu
Vì một ngày ta thương mến nhau
Khắp tinh cầu xua đi bao lạnh giá
Rồi một ngày ta không có nhau
Chiếc hôn xưa trên môi ngày nào
Còn đọng lại những chiếc lá non
Tình yêu sẽ hóa môi son

Mình hiểu rằng một trái tim tổn thương thì khó mà lành lặn. Và đôi khi mình đã muốn là người hàn gắn nó, cũng lại đôi khi mình làm nó thêm rạn nứt. Ấy biết không, sự mong manh giữa bắt đầu và kết thúc chỉ là một cánh cửa mà thôi. Bởi khi kết thúc sẽ chắc chắn mở ra một khởi đầu mới. Nhưng với ấy thì bất cứ sự gượng dậy và tiếp tục thật khó khăn. Có đôi lần ấy nói rằng sẽ đóng băng trái tim mình mãi mãi. Và cho đến giờ, mình biết ấy chưa mở lại tâm hồn mình một lần nữa. Kể cả là cho mình...

Nhiều lần mình tự hỏi mình đã làm được gì cho ấy chưa? Thì hẳn nhiên là .. chưa. Và ấy đã làm gì cho mình? Thì câu trả lời là có. Vậy có nghĩa là mình sẽ có hàng trăm cơ hội khác để tiếp tục những vết dấu dang dở trong tình cảm thân thiết giữa hai đứa mình.

Dù trái đất có vần xoay nhiều hạnh phúc lẫn đau khổ, hay cuộc sống đảo lộn thật giả khó lường, cũng có thể ta không thuộc về nhau thì một điều chắc chắn là mình luôn mong ấy thật sự yêu và được yêu hết mình. Và hãy hứa ấy sẽ hạnh phúc mãi mãi, nhé…

Sand Animation_ Co gai cat


Nov 14, 2009


Sharing with everybody this wonderfully happy moment.

Marketing your blog via social network

Nov 13, 2009

1. Marketing your site via social network:
Knowing how to market social networks is an important part of the networking cycle, yet is often overlooked. Good marketing of your networks, whether for business or pleasure, will help drive new traffic and build new communities and the opportunity for viral marketing. This can be essential for the success of your social networking experience. Here are some tips to help market your social network sites:
a. Help People Find You
Make sure that people know how to find you. This is easy to do and is simply a case of making sure you promote your social networking sites whenever the appropriate opportunity arises. For instance, put information about the social networks that you belong to as the footer or in your signature in e-mails. Try to keep these relevant, therefore put business focussed social network information on business-related e-mails unless you really feel that your commercial contacts will be interested in your unique taste of music!
b. Forums and Chat
If you belong to forums and chat groups that allow signatures at the bottom of posts, put your social networking information there. Forums are a great way to meet like-minded individuals, and you will soon find that people see your signature and come to visit you.
Search the Network: By searching the social network that you belong to for family and friends you will soon start to build up and market your site. You can build on these contacts and soon your network will be buzzing.
c. Make It a Fun Place to Visit
If you are a member of a social network site such as MySpace, there are many add ins that you can find that will customize the look of your site. These include countdown clocks, music, animations and a vast number of other widgets and gizmos to add personality to your pages. These can be a great way to share information in a fun way with other people.
d. Work Within the Network
Visit the pages of other members and leave comments and feedback. This is a great way to meet like minded people as they are likely to come to your pages and find out more about you.
e. Guerrilla Marketing
This can entail anything from leaving fliers at gigs to wearing t-shirts with your url on it. Some more aggressive guerrilla marketing techniques can include leaving stickers around streets and offices. Some guerrilla tactics may not be legal and this should be checked before taking part in anything like this.
f. Keep it Fresh
If you have a blog on your social network, make sure that it is regularly updated. A relevant and up-to-date blog will give people a reason to come back and visit your site time after time again.
Social networking can be a rewarding experience and can, quite literally, open up a whole new world of friends and contacts. A well-marketed site will attract visitors from far and wide to come and visit, finding out more about you and your interests.
2. Lessons that I learnt from this assignment: Facebook and Twitter
Facebook and Twitter are edging ever closer and converging with each other. And while that may be the case to a certain extent, they differ on one key issue: addictiveness.
At the end of last week, Facebook opened up some key features of the site to developers. By freeing up its application programming interfaces (APIs) just a tad, it means outside forces can develop and imagine new ways of using Facebook’s user features.
One of these features is the status updates. You know, the section of Facebook where you are asked to fill your friends in on what you are doing, or what is happening in your life. With the opening up of its APIs, these status updates can emigrate outwards to the rest of the social Web.
This has lead to comparisons being made to Twitter, the micro-blogging service which builds its whole appeal on similar (but inherently different) status updates. Clearly, there is some crossover between Facebook and Twitter, and that just goes to show how appealing it is to issue short blog-like posts updating your online friends instantly.
While some convergence of features does seem to be taking place, there are some key differences between Facebook and Twitter. As VentureBeat rightly points out, Facebook and Twitter updates are used in entirely different ways. Twitter is much more conversational and filled with observations on the world. While Facebook status updates tend to stick to a formulaic “I am doing this,” or “I have done this.”
But for me there’s a bigger differentiator between the two social media sites, and that is addictiveness. I usually log in to Facebook two or three times a day. I check to see what my friends have been doing (usually nothing of note), maybe take a quiz, maybe look at a new photo or two, and then log out. There is very little interactivity or involvement, and no conversation to speak of.
Whereas Twitter gets my attention maybe five times a day, and once logged in, I’m much more interested. I’ll do the obvious of updating my status with what I’m up to, but then I’ll scroll for ages reading everyone’s conversation streams and responding where necessary. An hour can go by and I’m still on the site, conversing, reading, and interacting.
It’s this addictive quality that, for me at least, gives Twitter the edge in this field. Facebook is more of an all-encompassing social network, but for day-to-day usage, Twitter takes some beating. Which just shows how specializing at one aspect of a service and doing it well is sometimes more sensible than throwing the kitchen sink into the mix and seeing what sticks.

Google Maps API

Nov 3, 2009

View Larger Map


Oct 24, 2009

Buzz Marketing is marketing in which a company persuades a small group of people who know a lot about a subject to tell other people about its advantages, in order to make the other people become interested in it and want to buy it.

Buzz marketing can be related to internet viral marketing. It is sometimes used to help launch a viral marketing campaign and sometimes happens after an idea goes viral. Buzz marketing is when a concept appears online in key influential locations. For example, a popular blogger may talk about a previously unknown website. This in turn causes several other bloggers to talk about the site as well.

Therefore we can say that Buzz marketing is a viral marketing technique that attempts to make each encounter with a consumer appear to be a unique, spontaneous personal exchange of information instead of a calculated marketing pitch choreographed by a professional advertiser. Historically, buzz marketing campaigns have been designed to be very theatrical in nature. The advertiser reveals information about the product or service to only a few "knowing" people in the target audience. By purposely seeking out one-on-one conversations with those who heavily influence their peers, buzz marketers create a sophisticated word-of-mouth campaign where consumers are flattered to be included in the elite group of those "in the know" and willingly spread the word to their friends and colleagues.

Although buzz marketing is not new, Internet technology has changed the way it's being used. Buzz campaigns are now being initiated in chat rooms, where marketing representatives assume an identity appropriate to their target audience and pitch their product. Personal Web logs (blogs) are another popular media for electronic buzz marketing campaigns; advertisers seek out authors of the "right kind of blog" and trade product or currency for promotion. Instant messaging (IM) applications are also being looked at as a vehicle for carrying out buzz marketing campaigns with either humans or IM bots doing the pitching. As with all buzz campaigns, the power of the IM model relies on the influence an individual has in an established small network -- in this case, his buddy list.

As technology continues to facilitate the delivery of a electronic buzz marketing message easier, and software applications make message deliveries easier to quantify, some advertising experts predict that electronic buzz marketing techniques will become a standard component in all cross-media advertising campaigns. Others warn that abuse of this potentially powerful electronic marketing technique will be its downfall.


What does a virus have to do with marketing? Viral marketing describes any strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message's exposure and influence. Like viruses, such strategies take advantage of rapid multiplication to explode the message to thousands, to millions.


The term “computer virus” was coined to describe a harmful computer program that replicates itself to spread from computer to computer, much like a real human virus. Viral marketing is a similar concept. It is an online idea, whether it be a game, a site or a message, that becomes popular due to being passed from person to person, normally very quickly. Often time internet viral marketing happens unintentionally. A viral marketing example is that a person finds a previously unknown website and sends the URL to 5 of their friends. Those friends, in turn send the URL to 5 of their friends. And so on after that.

Viral marketing takes a marketing concept directly or indirectly related to a product, service or company and passes it on to the public. People then distribute the viral marketing message exponentially. This attention-getting viral marketing concept is growing in popularity.

The easiest forum for viral marketing is the Internet using e-mail, websites or blogs. Aside from consulting or development fees, some of the most successful viral marketing campaigns are low to no cost.

Viral marketing can be broken down into two basic concepts: incentive based and attention getting. The simplest incentive based viral marketing is making a referral to a friend; if they purchase or join, you get a premium of either money, product or a discount. Attention getting viral marketing gives away a free product or service then markets other services. Before launching a viral campaign, decide if you can develop the campaign in-house or need to outsource for outside expertise. Viral marketing is trackable and ever evolving. New styles and methods of delivery are constantly being developed. If you put together an offer that is exciting, fresh and appealing, your campaign will more likely be a success!

One example of successful viral marketing is Hotmail, a company, now owned by Microsoft, that promotes its service and its own advertisers’ messages in every user’s e-mail notes. This is one of the first free Web-based e-mail services. The strategy is simple:
1. Give away free e-mail addresses and services,
2. Attach a simple tag at the bottom of every free message sent out: "Get your private, free email at http://www.hotmail.com" and,
3. Then stand back while people e-mail to their own network of friends and associates,
4. Who see the message,
5. Sign up for their own free e-mail service, and then
6. Propel the message still wider to their own ever-increasing circles of friends and associates.

The other example is YouTube. Videos that visitors to the site consider funny or striking in some way become popular and are featured on the site.

Therefore, defining in a simple way, viral marketing is a marketing strategy that encourages people to spread the word by sharing information with people they know. It is a relatively new term for a very old-fashioned form of advertising: word of mouth.


Oct 22, 2009

Hi everyone,
For those of you who don’t know me already, my name is Uyen, member of MBA class of Foreign Trade University at HCM city.

Now I’m going to talk to you about my blog and specially how to make your blog professional.

First of all, you have to have an own blog. You can use any website which permit you to create blog: Yahoo 360 plus; My Opera; Blogger;… or anything else.
In my case, I used the website: www.blogger.com. After I followed its procedures step by step and finally I have a blog by myself. This website give us a lot of advantages because you can use the version in language which is suitable for you such as English, French, Chinese, Vietnamese,….

And now, welcome you to join my blog: http://nhuyen.blogspot.com

The most important thing that I want to tell you is how to make your blog professional. First, your blog’s name should be short, the shorter is the more professional.

Second, its features must provide for viewers more advantages to find out information and join it easily.

In my blog case for exemple, there are many useful gadgets such as: About me; Links; My Favourite Blog; Followers; Blog Archive and unusually it has advertisement column for you to make money.

The feature “About me” lets you know basically something about myself. “Links” gives you immediate access to the website and “Favourite Blog” gets you to the blog that I’d love to. With “Counter” I can observe how many people visited my blog. “Blog Archive” help you to take an overview of my entries posted.

In addition, you can have an entertainment with “Daily Horoscopes”, “Free Online Flash Games” or “Body Mass Index Calculator”.

Does my blog look professional?

Some favourite and well-known websites are: Yahoo, Google, Facebook,… designed in a simple way and with user-friendly system for users who have less even no prior computer experience can use it.
So it is one of the reasons that makes them popular.

And now, it’s your turn to do it! Try your best!

Introducing myself...

Oct 18, 2009

Taking photos with my former colleagues

Hi everybody,

I'm Uyen, member of MBA class. I'm 24 years old. I'm still single.
I'm very happy to study with you, my classmates. You're all lovely and friendly.
I hope we'll have a good relationship as from now.

Dear Mr. Tri Duc,
Through the first day of learning Ecommerce I felt that lessons were very interesting and exciting because of many of useful videos that teacher showed us. That is something new with me, really attractive by the way you teach us.
Please receive here my thanksgiving, Mr. Tri Duc.